Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Last updated: 15/10/2022

This “Privacy Policy” defines the processing of your personal data by the
responsible of processing: Antwerp Global FC, with corporate address Karel Du Boislaan 1, 2660 Hoboken. Antwerp Global FC. (hereafter: “Antwerpglobalfc”).

This privacy policy describes the essential information and procedures in which your personal data is being processed.

Article 1 – General

1.1. Antwerp Global FC complies for the processing of the personal data to the “Law agreed on December 1992 to the protection of the personal privacy in regards to the processing of personal data”, as updated by the Law of 11 December 1998 and the anti-spam definitions in Book XII of the Economic Rights Law, handling the “rights of the electronic economy”.

1.2. Antwerp Global FC commits itself in addition to comply to the European Regulation 2016/679 from April 27, 2016, regarding the Protection of the Personal Data (General Data Protection Regulation – GDPR).

Article 2 – Personal Data

2.1. Personal data which is shared with Antwerp Global FC can be divided in 3 categories:
– Category 1, without registration: your ip address
– Category 2 : when registering on newsletter: your e-mail address;
– Category 3 : through cookies: tracking of usage website;

2.2. Antwerp Global FC gathers your Personal Data in different ways:
● By using cookies;
● When using the Antwerp Global FC website.

2.3. The website uses cookies which gather limited personal data. For more
about the cookie usage, please refer to the cookie statement of Antwerp Global FC.

Article 3 – Purposes of the data processing

3.1. General purpose:

Antwerp Global FC will use the collected personal data only for the following purposes:
– Category 1 : the provision and improvement of this website and the
inclusion of Personal Data in anonymous statistics, from which the identity of specific persons or companies can not be determined, based on the legitimate interests of Antwerp Global FC to continuously improve its Website and services;
– Category 2: sending you direct marketing, newsletters, with your explicit
prior permission as a legal basis. This permission can always be withdrawn;
– Category 3: improving the user experience with your explicit prior consent
as a legal basis;

This permission can be withdrawn at any time, without justification and free of charge by clicking on the unsubscribe link provided for this purpose. This
unsubscribe link is sent to every email sent from a direct marketing point of view. Antwerp Global FC will not sell your Personal Data, nor rent it out or make it commercially available to third parties (including the commercial partners of Antwerp Global FC), unless with your prior consent and acknowledgment of receipt by the third party.

Article 4 – Duration of processing

The personal data is stored and processed by us for a period that is necessary in function of the purposes of the processing and in function of the contractual relationship between Antwerp Global FC and yourself.
Accounts which appear to be inactive during 5 years will be permanently removed from our systems.

Article 5 – Your rights

The following rights in respect of your own personal data can always be exercised on simple request.

5.1. Right of access and inspection:
You have the right to receive free access to your personal data at any time. 

5.2. Right of improvement, deletion and limitation:
You are free to disclose your personal information or not to Antwerp Global FC. In addition, you always have the right to request that we correct, supplement or delete your personal data. Antwerp Global FC undertakes to process every request within a maximum of 14 days

5.3. Right of resistance:
You always have the right to object to the processing of your personal data for serious and legitimate reasons or for the purpose of direct marketing.

5.4. Right of transferability:
You have the right to obtain your personal data in a structured format and / or transfer it to other responsible persons.

5.5. Right of withdrawal of consent:
If processing is based on your prior consent, you naturally have the right to
withdraw that consent.

5.6. Right to complain:
You have the right to file a complaint with the Belgian Privacy Commission:
Commission for the Protection of Privacy, Drukpersstraat 35, 1000 Brussels, Tel +32 (0) 2 274 48 00, e-mail:

Article 6 – Security and confidentiality

Article 6 – Access by third parties

6.1. We have developed security measures that are technical and organizational adapted to avoid the destruction, loss, forgery, modification, unauthorized access or notification by mistake to third parties of personal data collected as well as any other unauthorized processing of personal data. this information.

6.2. In no event can Antwerp Global FC be held liable for any direct or indirect damage resulting from incorrect or unlawful use by a third party of the personal data.

6.3. You must comply with the safety regulations at all times. You are therefore solely responsible for the use made of the website of your computer, IP address and your identification data, as well as for the confidentiality thereof.

Article 7 – Access by third parties

7.1. In order to process your personal data, we grant access to your personal data to our employees.

7.2. We guarantee a similar level of protection by making contractual
obligations enforceable against these employees and appointees, which are similar to this Privacy Policy.

Article 8 – Links to other websites

8.1. Antwerp Global FC is not responsible for the content of websites linked from Antwerp Global FC by the administrator or visitors. The visitor is aware that the privacy of other websites may differ from Antwerp Global FC.

8.2. A link to a website can not be considered for an explicit approval of the
content of this website and the correctness can not be permanently guaranteed.

Article 9 – Cookies

9.1. We refer to the cookie statement of this website regarding the use of